Tape Lab was made for folks who care a lot about staying healthy in a smart way.

It's for YOU if you love your sport and aim to stay fit as you age.

Regular use of athletic tape stops small injuries from getting worse so you can continue to work-out without any breaks. This keeps you healthy, mobile and independent which is super important for staying active as you age.

Thats why we do, what we do!

  • Tips to Prevent Tape to Unravel and Fall off During Training or Competition

    Tips to Prevent Tape to Unravel and Fall off Du...

    When it comes to sports tape, one of the most frustrating things that can happen is for the tape to unravel or fall off during training or competition. This not...

    1 comment

    Tips to Prevent Tape to Unravel and Fall off Du...

    When it comes to sports tape, one of the most frustrating things that can happen is for the tape to unravel or fall off during training or competition. This not...

    1 comment
  • Benefits of Joint Support

    Benefits of Joint Support

    There are many benefits to wearing joint support when practicing martial arts. Joint support can help prevent injuries, provide stability and alignment, and improve performance. Utilising joint support can also...


    Benefits of Joint Support

    There are many benefits to wearing joint support when practicing martial arts. Joint support can help prevent injuries, provide stability and alignment, and improve performance. Utilising joint support can also...

  • 5 Reasons Why You Should Start Training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

    5 Reasons Why You Should Start Training Brazili...

    Are you looking for a new way to get fit and learn self-defense? If so, you should consider training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu! BJJ is a martial art that focuses on ground...


    5 Reasons Why You Should Start Training Brazili...

    Are you looking for a new way to get fit and learn self-defense? If so, you should consider training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu! BJJ is a martial art that focuses on ground...

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